Alif Noeriyanto Rahman, MD, SpOT, FIPP, CIPS
Alif Noeriyanto Rahman, MD, SpOT, FIPP, CIPSPresident
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Faried, SpBS(K)., PhD. FICS
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Faried, SpBS(K)., PhD. FICSVice President
Dr Ahmad Imron, MD, SpBS (K), M.Kes
Dr Ahmad Imron, MD, SpBS (K), M.KesVice President for Development of Functional and Stereostatic
Herry Herman, MD, SpOT, Ph.D
Herry Herman, MD, SpOT, Ph.DVice President For Direction of Science
Dadang Rukanta, MD, SpOT, M.Kes
Dadang Rukanta, MD, SpOT, M.KesVice President for Public Relations
Henny Widyastuti, MD, SpAn, M.Kes, FIPM
Henny Widyastuti, MD, SpAn, M.Kes, FIPMVice President for Direction of Intra Thecal Block Therapy


Carli, MD, MPH (OH), CPH, COHC
Carli, MD, MPH (OH), CPH, COHCSociety Administrator/Organization Liaison Officer
Muhammad Tsani Arsyad, MD, SpOT, M.Kes
Muhammad Tsani Arsyad, MD, SpOT, M.KesSecretary
Amir Purnama Sidi,MD SpOT, AIFO-K
Amir Purnama Sidi,MD SpOT, AIFO-KVice Secretary
Johny Sulistio, MD, Ph.D
Johny Sulistio, MD, Ph.DMembership Administrator
Nurshrotul Lailiyya, MD, SpS (K), Sp Akp
Nurshrotul Lailiyya, MD, SpS (K), Sp AkpTreasurer
Dr. Lisda Amalia, MD., SpS (K)
Dr. Lisda Amalia, MD., SpS (K)Vice Treasurer